A Kane Brown WILD Experience!

WILD Ones, are you ready to win a Kane Brown WILD Experience?
Kane Brown is playing the Saddledome on SATURDAY, March 29th, with special guests Scotty McCreery and Dasha. If that wasn’t WILD enough already, we have tickets to give away ALL WEEK LONG on WILD! Every morning at 8:40AM from March 17th – 21st, we are pinning WILD One vs WILD One for the chance to win BIG with PANIC! The players of the day will each be given a letter of the alphabet that all responses need to start with and then they will answer as many of the hosts questions as they can in the allotted time, receiving a point for each answer!
Whichever WILD One provides the most correct answers wins a pair of tickets to Kane Brown on March 29th, 2025! But in celebration of Kane Brown coming to town, and his new album, BOTH PLAYERS, win or lose will also receive Kane Browns new album “The High Road” on vinyl!
BUT IT DOESN’T STOP THERE!! It is a Kane Brown WILD Experience after all! All five of our PANIC winners from the week will be added to a draw for an EXCLUSIVE backstage interview opportunity with Kane Brown! You could be heading backstage with a WILD host to interview Kane Brown, so you better be thinking up what questions you have for him! On FRIDAY, March 21st after contesting wraps up, Mookie & Randy will be drawing a name for this once in a lifetime opportunity!
Good luck WILD Ones!